Our praxis is very extensive as far as dispute resolution is concerned. As part of the daily routine we represent business associations, other organizations, and individuals in civil, administrative, economic, labour, family law cases as well as in non-contentious proceedings. Yet, enforcing claims in the court is the last tool we apply. In every single case, if there is a realistic chance to have a compromise between the parties, we intend to reach one, since a non perfect settlement that considers both parties’ interest is always worth much more than a judgment achieved in a long court case, after which the judgment is not even enforceable many times.
Primarily in economic cases we often meet clients' demands to use alternative dispute resolution (arbitration, mediation, etc.) forums instead of the expensive, long, unpredictable therefore risky state court proceedings. We also share this attitude, hence, in our praxis we pay attention to the use of adr forums besides or, if possible, instead of the use of the courts.